Hello, everyone! I joined this community 2 weeks ago, the night before I departed for my trip to France. While I was there, I wrote 3 drabbles with the Myth prompt. They're all Greek myths which I also don't own, in addition to Saiyuki
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Distant water is bitterThere once was a boy born from a peach that had floated down the river; his foster mother charmed it to her hands with a nursery rhyme. Koumyu sang the rhyme over the baby's cradle and told the story to the toddler too fretful to sleep. Baby, toddler, and boy had the same cranky, combative look, as if hunger, sleep, and
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Hit me at work today, while gazing at the scary easter bunny decorations all over my workplace.
Author: AliasOfWestgate Words: 100 Title: Rabbits Rating: G A/N: Nii Jienyi, Kougaiji, and Sanzo are all Rabbits by birth year in the Chinese Zodiac. A bit spoilery if you think about it, but i'll leave you folks to figure out the rest. Some info
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Later, when history had become legend and legend had become myth, Kanzeon Bosatsu felt moved to bestow a gift upon her nephew and his companions
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Disclaimer: Not mine. I swear I had better ideas, but they went on holiday along with 40% of my braincells. Second one not so much myth as fairytale - does it still count?
Title: Why Sanzos Don't Do Unicorns Author: UltraM2000 Genre: Humour Rating: PG for very light innuendo.
Title: Protector Author: MsCongeniality Rating: G Words: 116 by the online counter 122 in Word (I tried to cut it more, I swear!) Notes: I was struck by the similarity between shikigami and the golem mythos, this is the result.
Title: The Last Toast Characters: The four of them Rating: G Setting: After Gaiden, before Gensomaden Disclaimer: *Red Eyed* They are mine, MINE!!!!! A/N: The below link is not a LJ cut, it links to my page.